Photo of Historical Marker Dedication

The Landmark Commission, Thomas family, and several attendees enjoyed the dedication of the Big Sandy Creek Bridge Historical Marker at the Mineola Nature Preserve on Saturday, October 19th at 11:00 a.m.

Mayor Jayne Lankford welcomed those in attendance and spoke of her love for Dr. John Thomas and wife, Marilyn. She also spoke of the importance of preserving our history with the relocation of the Big Sandy Creek Bridge to our Mineola Nature Preserve. The Big Sandy Creek Bridge has been named The Dr. John Thomas Bridge as Marilyn was a driving force in the relocation of the bridge. The Landmark Commission Chairman Jim Phillips spoke of the memories of the Thomas family and just how important they were to Mineola. Great grandchildren of the Thomases were excited to perform the unveiling of the marker. Commission Secretary Martha Holmes read the details of the historical marker aloud for all to enjoy. We encourage you to visit your beautiful Mineola Nature Preserve and take a look at the newest historical marker!

Picture of Mineola Historical Marker Dedication CeremonyPicture of Mineola Historical Marker Dedication CeremonyPicture of Mineola Historical Marker Dedication CeremonyPicture of Mineola Historical Marker Dedication Ceremony